How to Build great Applications for Business Users in Python
카테고리: 파이썬 라이브러리 (Python Library)
난이도: 초급
발표 시간: 30분
언어: 영어
Turning your Data/AI algorithms into full web apps in no time with Taipy
In the Python open-source eco-system, many packages are available that cater to:
- the building of great algorithms
- the visualization of data
- back-end functions
Despite this, over 85% of Data Science Pilots remain pilots and do not make it to the production stage.
With Taipy, Data Scientists/Python Developers will be able to build great pilots as well as stunning production-ready applications for end-users.
Taipy provides two independent modules: Taipy GUI and Taipy Core.
In this talk, we will demonstrate how:
Taipy GUI goes way beyond the capabilities of the standard graphical stack.
Taipy Core is simpler yet more powerful than the standard Python back-end stack.발표자 소개
30+ years as AI specialist with ILOG and IBM.
Mentored several Data Science teams.
Designed/Modeled several major AI projects for customers such as Samsung. Electronics, McDonald’s, Dassault Aviation, Carhartt, Toyota, TSMC, Disney, etc.
Skills: Mathematical Modeling, Machine Learning, Time Series prediction.
Strong Experience in Manufacturing, Retail & Logistics industries.
Main Objective: “Help companies go beyond AI pilots and be successful in bringing AI to their end-users”.
Msc Comp. Science & AI, University Paris-Saclay.